Binary Clock - Arthur Dick

Friday, February 25th, 2022

I recently created an OpenAI account to experiment with their completion engines. Their Codex JavaScript Sandbox makes creating toy applications using natural language quite fun.

One of the first apps I created was a binary clock, and you should see it ticking away below.

The three columns display the hours, minutes, and seconds from left to right.

To convert a value into our more familiar base-ten system, sum up the blue indicators in the column, with the bottom led being one, and each led above it having values of two, four, eight, sixteen, and thirty-two in order.

Right now it is reading , , and .

Most of the code in this app was generated based on natural language statements. To get the initial layout, I gave the engine the prompt: "Create a 6 column by 3 row grid of mock led indicators."

I did have to make some manual modifications for the indicators to light up correctly, but using it to generate a workable skeleton of an app feels like issuing tasks to an intern, with fast turnaround.

I've made some additional changes to integrate with this blog, and add some nicer style. Now what should my next mini project be?

Tags: mini projectcompletion

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