Wednesday, May 11th, 2022
This mini project, built with completion engine assistance, is a Texas Hold'em poker match simulator. Choose the number of players, and press "Play" to deal a hand. The hand ranks and winner(s) are declared automatically.
It uses Unicode characters for the card representations, which your OS must support for the cards to be displayed. Try it out below!
Tags: mini projectpoker
Sunday, March 6th, 2022
With AI completion engine assistance I created this fourth mini project, a memory game. I think this is starting to push what's possible with these natural language engines, as I had to finish parts of this manually. It's still largely constructed with pieces from the completion engine.
It's easy for the code to become a mess when trying to generate things piecemeal like this, and it can be frustrating when the engine doesn't understand your prompt. I'm feeling inspired to create my own interface to the completion engine.
The timer starts when you flip the first card. How long will it take to match all the cards?
Tags: mini projectmemory
Friday, March 4th, 2022
The third entry in my mini project series. When I discovered there are die face Unicode characters, I had to build a simple dice roller.
You can roll as many dice as you need, and the total value of the dice is conveniently provided.
Tags: mini projectdice
Monday, February 28th, 2022
The second entry of my mini project series. With AI completion engine assistance, I created this divination game. I am amazed how fast a small project can come together using this technology.
That said I noticed a caveat this time around. When I prompted the engine to "Create an array of sixteen interesting yes, no, and maybe responses" the engine returned the verbatim list of responses for an official Magic 8-Ball.
Tags: mini projectcompletion
Friday, February 25th, 2022
I recently created an OpenAI account to experiment with their completion engines. Their Codex JavaScript Sandbox makes creating toy applications using natural language quite fun.
One of the first apps I created was a binary clock, and you should see it ticking away below.
Tags: mini projectcompletion